Power Up does what coffee struggles to do - calm, clean and long lasting energy without the wired feeling. Formulated with energy supporting nutrients, but no caffeine, Power Up delivers a reduction in tiredness and fatigue without the caffeine-like crash at the end of the day.
🏆Award winning formula - energy, performance and cognition all in one.
🚀Get focused - you'll wonder how you got anything done before Power Up.
💕Everyone loves Power Up, check out our 5 star reviews below.
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With pantothenic acid, Power Up actively contributes to normal mental performance; supporting your cognitive capabilites and counteracting the fog that impedes your focus.
With the brain supporting vitamins of B6, B12, and folate, Power Up supports normal psychological function; getting your memory back to being more like Nelly and less like Dory.
Fed up of that mid-day slump? Support your body’s processes with Power Up’s blend of essentail nutrients, including iron, pantothenic acid, folate, and vitamins B6 and nicacin, that work together to reduce those feelings of tiredness and fatigue.