With a powerful supply of plant-based essential amino acids: Leucine, Valine, and Isoleucine, our Branched Chain Amino Acid (BCAA) capsules make it easy to increase your BCAA intake.
These three essential amino acids are delivered in perfect balance at a ratio of 2:1:1. This extraordinary blend is enhanced with the inclusion of Resveratrol and L Carnitine, making it a great addition to your fitness regime.
BCAA is perfect for those on a vegan or vegetarian diet as sources of leucine, valine, and isoleucine are typically animal derived, including meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and milk.
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Easy to consume before any form of excericse.
With the ideal ratio of 2:1:1, Motion's BCAA is a much easier supplement to take than the traditional powders.
The powerful combination of resveratrol and l-carnitine finish the blend.