Triathlon: A Beginner's Guide to Taking the Plunge
Impulse decisions. They can go one of two ways: absolute disaster, or the possibility of having a big smile safe in the knowledge that your instincts were right. As of yet I don’t know how my snap decision to book two (TWO!) triathlons is going to pan out. Upon reflection, it may have been worth asking someone about the sport or at least consulting some of the plethora of blog posts, articles and websites dedicated to the sport!
That’s it, I, Charles Matthews, co-founder of Motion Nutrition, have 13 weeks to get Triathlon Fit!
I’ll be warming up with a “sprint” triathlon in June, in preparation for the main event the following month: my first Olympic Distance Triathlon on the South Coast. Just a mere 1500-meter open water swim, 40km bike ride and 10k run. What was I thinking?
One thing I have noticed since setting up Motion Nutrition is that there can be an assumption that running a supplements firm, I should be fit. And not only should I be fit, I should be equally as fit as my business partner Joe, an ex professional swimmer who competed in the most recent Commonwealth Games... Unfortunately, that is simply not the case. My sporting ability is more reminiscent of the drunk uncle bragging about how he used to play county level rugby when he was 15.
I’ll turn 30 this year, and although I am fully aware that the days of being a fit teenager are long gone, I rather stubbornly maintain the attitude of wanting to be good at all the physical activities I pick up. Needless to say there is going to be a LOT of training in the next couple of months.
Shortly after the start of the New Year, I made the decision that being a smoker did NOT go hand in hand with running an organic sports supplements company. I have therefore been living the clean life since that moment. Cold Turkey. I’ve started training with Joe, who is no longer a professional swimmer but still takes training pretty seriously. From no training, I jumped ship and launched myself into 5-10 sessions a week – a serious shock to the system! Our first swim session involved Joe swimming 1.5 km as a warm up while I struggled for just short of an hour to swim 750 meters in our local 50m outdoor pool. I mention this to illustrate that I am by no means ready (yet!) to double that swim distance, then add a 40km bike, and a 5km run to top it off.
In the next 19 weeks I will be documenting the journey and providing a first hand overview of happenings and training associated with trying to get triathlon-ready – or not as the case may be!
Have you gone through the trauma of a first triathlon? Are you considering jumping in for the first time and entering a triathlon this summer? I would certainly love to hear from you!