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By Magdalena Burtan

Moving & Making with Jack Atkinson

Jack is a photographer who shares his life between spending time outdoors, travelling to far off places and bringing people around shared activity (while also being outdoors). He's all about connecting people through sports and movement.

What is it that you like about being outdoors so much?

Being outdoors just makes me feel better in every way. I think growing up in the countryside I was never used to city life and although I have learnt to enjoy cities and all they have to offer I need some big open spaces to truly be myself.

What are some of your most recent trips?

I recently got back from America shooting a crazy race called the Barkley Marathons (Google won't believe it's real!). Before that I had a few trips to Italy already this year and I'm in the midst of planning another trip to the Massif des Écrins next.

The biggest gem in the world that you discovered?

The Massif des É's just south of the Alps and I am utterly obsessed.

Anywhere you would like to go or repeatedly go back to?

Massif des Écrins haha. But I'm also super keen to get back to the Dolomites for some running and climbing.

Anywhere you would like to run away to? ;)

I'm actually loving London as a home. It enables me to travel super easily to tons of new and exciting places.

3 things that you always take with yourself?

Camera, running kit and Power Up.

How did you become interested in photography?

I think it was more of a progression than a real moment. I was working more and more in the outdoor industry and getting more into Instagram and what can be done with it. From there I decided to buy my first DSLR and made a point of shooting and editing every day.

What do you like to shoot the most?

Running in the mountains. I love to run with people and just go lightweight with kit. I'd do that any day over meeting the runners at various points as they run.

What’s the best way to bring people together?

Sport. For me that's running and climbing. Almost all of my favourite moments from my life are on a run or climbing trip with mates.

What moves you?

I'm fortunate enough to have some mega talented friends so they motivate me to keep pushing myself through the sports I enjoy and the work I do.

What’s your next move?

Right now...another coffee (i've got a V60 brewing that is calling out to me). In life, I just want to keep progressing with the photography and get some more mountain time. I'm also going to get more surfing in this year.

How are you going to make this happen?


- water boiled to 85 degrees C

- hand ground coffee beans from Tennessee (always freshly ground)

- soak the V60 paper in water

- bloom the beans in the V60 with just enough water to cover the beans entirely

- 2nd fill of water, followed by a 3rd and final fill


I want to do more personal projects. I'm actually heading out to Portugal soon purely to get one photo that I've been obsessing over.


I went once last year so this should be an easy one...Motion Nutrition surf trip...?

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