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By Magdalena Burtan

How to Frame Your Mindset for Positive Outcomes

Having a more fulfilled life is a choice and to a large extent a result of the way you think. Here is some advice that will put your life into motion by helping you to shift your mindset. For better outcomes and a wider good!


Knowing your why and your values is the single most important thing. Any journey towards success or a certain vision will be a process - a process with ups and downs involved. Knowing what is driving you to take your time and put effort into something you desire to achieve will provide the main force of motivation. It will act as a useful reminder, especially as things get harder. In order to became more conscious about your purpose, try to think of the following questions:
  • What do you enjoy about what you have chosen to put your time into?
  • What do you enjoy in what you care about?
  • How have you found yourself here, what led you to this place?
  • What do you see yourself achieving?


Knowing what your purpose and values are is something you can tap in every day. Do it by setting intentions around your purpose, knowing how you want to shape your experience and the world around you. Writing down what your intention for the day is might service that higher goal or purpose that you want to achieve. It can be helpful if you share it with someone you trust. In this way you will be able to actually make a commitment to your intention and gain some additional support. In teams, we thrive, as the saying goes !


How to cope with the fast-paced rhythm of life? We are all in it, there is no exception. The notion of mindfulness, that you probably heard a lot of already, might be very helpful here. Being mindful is to have the intention to embrace the present moment. Your mind will come and go and that’s okay. Just notice the way it shifts and then bring it back gently. Meditation is a great tool that can help you to learn how to continuously keep bringing your mind back to the present moment. This is especially important since a lot of our tasks today are very repetitive. Through meditating you will be able to get more perspective on things and realise that, often times, thoughts are just thoughts and your stories are, indeed, just stories:) If you can have a short meditation practice every day, that’s great. If not, however, you can also try to practice mindfulness during some activities you perform daily. Try brushing your teeth while being aware of your every move and sensations. Being mindful does not equal being seated and having your eyes closed all the time! Another way would be to try to notice more small things around you, especially in places that you know very well. You know that daily walk or commute to work by heart? Try to notice 5 new things every day and see how much more grounded and aware you become with every day.


In the elite sports world, the margins that differentiate success from the lack of it (like getting on the Olympic team, for instance) are really, really tiny. This is where positive psychology comes in handy as it helps us to find the uniqueness in each of us and optimise our main strengths. The underlying belief in positive psychology is that we all have the capability to achieve what we strive towards. There are always clues to improve, even in failures. In order to realise your uniqueness, it is best to realise what your greatest strengths are. Try to think of the following questions:
  1. What was your greatest performance?
  2. What have you been most proud of?
  3. What do you enjoy about your training?
  4. What sets you apart from your partners?


With all the drive and energy you might have after reading this article, you are now good to go and start changing your life. In order to keep this energy going, however, remember this secret rule. Always, always take time to switch off. While it’s important to have time for harnessing your skills and nurturing your passions, it is also important to make time for simple things that fill your cup. This will help you get perspective on things and avoid an uneccessary burnout. Have your downtown time with something that gives you a slightly different stimulation than your usual things. It’s good to put this time into your overall 'action plan' too to make sure it actually happens. Remember you muscles grow when you rest!