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By Magdalena Burtan

Moving & Making with Henni Zuel

Henni is a power woman, a golf player, a media tycoon and a pretty damn inspiring human being. She’s currently a producer and presenter at GOLF TV, being the only interviewer with exclusive access to Tiger Woods.

Why golf?

Golf is one of those games that you never quite master and it had me hooked from a young age. It really pushes me to my limits and tests me in every way possible, especially mentally! It really has enabled me to learn so much about myself. As I’m getting older I am appreciative of the respect and etiquette that I learnt through the game, it really instils great teachings to young people. Finally, the places golf has taken me and the people I have been fortunate enough to have met - I will always be grateful for that.

What does playing golf make you feel like?

Incredibly frustrated! Haha just kidding… I would describe it as a wonderful push and pull of technical mastery and creative freedom with a big sprinkling of mental focus and challenge.

How did you transition from playing to broadcasting?

Completely by accident, I was injured and my agent at the time suggested I go on a show as a guest, I did and I guess I didn’t mess up as I kept getting asked back and it went from there really, as my injury progressed so did my broadcasting career until the latter took over. I will be forever grateful to Sky Sports for giving me the incredible opportunities they did and for believing in me right from the start, I had a wonderful time working there and am now very much enjoying my new role at GOLFTV.

Is working in the media stressful/energising?

I’d say more pressurized than stressful, mostly it’s energizing but anything creative can sometimes drain you. Whenever I’m feeling tired I just remind myself how fortunate I am to be doing what I’m doing.

Do you have a calming routine before going live?

I always take a moment of quiet to just breathe and go over the structure of what I want to say in my mind. I’d say my calming routine is more in the morning when I meditate right after waking and write down 3 things I am grateful for each day.

How do you recharge?

By being in nature with animals, I’ll go for a walk or run with the dogs or try to go riding when I can. The more woodland and the quieter the better! Being outdoors just does something to my mind, it gives me space to breathe and is my reset button.

Meditation or dance?

Meditation! Although I do like to dance when the mood or occasion strikes me too.

Words that you live by?

Oh goodness, I don’t think there’s enough space for my philosophies here haha but I mean in general I encompass my Buddhist teachings of compassion to others, non-reactivity and being with whatever emotions I’m feeling at the time.

Moments that you most enjoy?

Any time spent with my friends and family, I’m incredibly lucky to have them and then just being at home on the sofa with my boyfriend, dogs and a cup of tea is my day to day heaven.

What’s your best advice for connecting with people?

Finding mutual interests, I’m always surprised by how connected we all are and the similarities I share with the most unlikely of people. We are all going through this journey together and experiencing very similar things and emotions, I feel we have a lot more in common than we let on sometimes. But mutual interests is always a good place to start!

What moves you?

Many things but I’ve always been very inquisitive, I want to experience as much as I can – the good the bad and the ugly and to find out how much I can learn.

What’s your next move?

Professionally I’m enjoying my new role at GOLFTV and personally, I always have a list of things I want to do, at the moment the top 3 are learning photography and improving my cooking and French skills.

How are you going to make it happen?

My number one secret to making anything new happen is by incorporating it into a routine so that I don’t have to actively think about it. It’s all in the preparation!