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By Magdalena Burtan

Moving & Making with Richie Norton

Richie is an ex-professional rugby player, turned coach on a mission. Richie encourages people to treat their bodies like a temple. And not just any kind of temple, but a Strength Temple. He also has a passion for motorbikes and teaches yoga and breath work. Bang!

How did rugby influence you?

Rugby was part of my education, I’d even say it was the school that taught me the most. Working as a team, the power of the human spirit, discipline, resilience and an outlet for my frustrations and anger at times. I’m a better man for all it has given me.

Do you still play?

I’ve been asked to play a few ‘friendly’ games for charity and have a little run out during the summer touch league. I’m classed as a veteran now which just does not feel right as I’m in better shape now than I was at 20 years old!

Where did the idea for the Strength Temple come from?

I’ve always liked to think of our bodies as a precious temple that we need to protect and take care of. ‘Strength’ can be used in many forms… Mental, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual. Bringing it together meant I could lead the brand in any direction, knowing it was something I was working on in my own world. The aim is to always be mindful of all 4 elements playing a part in every aspect of our life. And this takes work.

What’s the secret to developing a Strength Temple for everyone?

That's it. Finding that ‘balance’ with living in this world, whatever you are striving for, working towards, aspirations etc... You need to prioritise building a ‘Strength Temple’ a strong body, strong mind, emotional strength and look deeper than the surface to connect spiritually... That's been the key to all my growth so far.

How did yoga come into your life?

I’d been dealing with a pretty beat up body after years of rugby, lots of gym time and very little care when it came to stretching and mobilising my body properly. Eventually, my body shut me down and it took a visit to an Osteopath who insisted I go try a Yoga class. I might have met a lovely yoga teacher (blushes) that convinced me to come back and after just a few consistent sessions my body began to ease up and there the journey began.

How about coaching?

I kind of feel I’ve always enjoyed coaching. Even back when I was a kid, I’d love the captain role and often took the younger lads under my wing as I became more of a senior player. I started to explore the different aspects to ‘coaching’ past just your average Personal trainer certification and loved how it provided a deeper understanding of the obstacles we all face and how to overcome them. This then really sent me down a rabbit hole... (that I’m still in).

How about motorbikes?

I’ve always been around bikes since I was a kid. As soon as I could get my licence I booked my test and fast tracked. It’s one of those things that give me head space and provide focus (also while giving you the ride of your life when you push it). I used to race but now you’ll find me cruising the country roads for a few hours taking in the sights (rather than flying past them).

What relaxes you better, yoga or motorbikes?

Tough one. They both relax me in different ways. Yoga I get to close my eyes to really relax, that's not advised when riding a bike..

Indoors or outdoors?

Outdoors forever!!!!!!

Tea or coffee?

Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon.

Mountains or the ocean?

Both feel like home.

Words that you live by?

Tomorrow is never guaranteed, so you better make today one of your best. Be a good human.

What moves you?

Not wasting this life we are fortunate to be living, not having regrets, and leaving a legacy that was of service to others and continues when I’m no longer here.

What’s your next move?

To begin living more optimally and exploring what I’m truly capable of when I apply myself in every aspect of life.

How are you going to make it happen?

One step at a time, surround myself with people that have a higher frequency and live with purpose and meaning every day. Follow Richie at: @thestrengthtemple