Can you overdose on supplements? A holistic approach to supplementation.
What are supplements good for, if not to supplement a balanced and healthy diet? A recent BBC documentary has highlighted the dangers posed by over-consumption of protein powder. So as human beings in search for optimal health, we ask ourselves:...
Lifestyle Change: 3 easy steps to improving our wellness with Josi
Super foodie Josi Trotter, voted Best Healthy Eating Blogger in our Health & Fitness Influencer Awards, shares easy-to-follow tips to achieve a healthy lifestyle change. By now, we’ve all heard people say “It’s not a diet... it’s a lifestyle change”,...
Will fruit make me fat?
Fruit: it’s high in sugar, right? So it’s got to be bad for me, right? We regularly hear self-proclaimed fitness professionals encourage their clients to eat less fruit as it is carb-heavy, and often contains high levels of (naturally occurring)...