Can you overdose on supplements? A holistic approach to supplementation.
What are supplements good for, if not to supplement a balanced and healthy diet? A recent BBC documentary has highlighted the dangers posed by over-consumption of protein powder. So as human beings in search for optimal health, we ask ourselves:...
Is Whey Protein Dead? Debunking 3 myths about whey
Is Whey Protein Dead? Whey Protein has been a cornerstone of sports nutrition for decades. Long before sports supplements were on the shelf of every health food store, body builders were churning it down. But today, whey isn’t always a...
When to choose a recovery shake over a protein shake?
It’s a question we are frequently asked. When is a protein shake enough? When do you need the extra carbs? What else are you getting from a recovery shake? Well, first things first. Just like with protein shakes, not all...
Triathlon Race: My First One Ever!
Motion Nutrition CoFounder Charlie recently took part in his first ever Triathlon. Here's his take on how the day went.With Henley Sprint Triathlon completed on Sunday the 5th of June, I have had some time to look back and reflect...